We cooperate with partners from the Schnals Valley, from the rest of South Tyrol, and from the rest of Italy, Europe, and even Asia.
- Donors and Sponsors
- Accommodations and Catering
- Media
- Physical Plant and Grounds
- Lobby Groups
- Miscellaneous
- Museums and Loaners
- Marketing
- Concept
- Education
- Replicas and Ancient Technology
Donors and Sponsors
Even though we are proud that we are able to cover 60% of our budget by ourselves, what would we be without the public funds and the private benefactors who support us with money or in the form of payments in kind and raw materials? Public funding 2018: https://www.archeoparc.it/documents/contributiappalti18
- Apartment Nischlhof (Naturno)
- Fjällräven
- Hotel Adlernest
- Hotel Tonzhaus
- Municipality of Senales
- Oberniederhof Farm Madonnna di Senales
- Oberraindlhof Madonna di Senales
- Provinca Autonoma di Bolzano – department museum
- Raiffeisenkasse Schnals – Bank
- Raiffeisenverband Südtirol – federation
- Similaun mountain hut
- Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse
- Stilfser Joch National Park
Accommodations and Catering
Many people come from far away and stay in our area for several days: speakers, curators of exhibitions, and participants in conferences, excursions, and events. There is a long list of those who help us in taking care of, accommodating, and feeding them and our other visitors. At the very top are those hospitality establishments which again and again offer packages that include admission to our facilities. Have we failed to notice that your company or operation also describes us online and links to us, offering your guests admission to the archeoParc as an inclusive package (admission tickets on commission)? Then you have our apologies, and please let us know right away! We will be pleased to include you in our partner list.
- Alm Eishof Val di Fosse valley
- Alm Lafetzalm Madonna di Senales
- Alm Mastaun Madonna di Senales
- Alm Mitterkaser Val di Fosse
- Alm Penauder Alm Certosa
- Alm Rableid Val di Fosse
- Association Schafzuchtverein Schnals
- Bed-and-Breakfast Gurschler Vernago
- Bed-and-Breakfast Ladurner Certosa
- Bed-and-Breakfast Unterraindlhof Madonna di Senales
- Caravan Park Senales Maso Corto
- Cocktail bar Berghotel Tyrol Madonna di Senales
- Coffee Shop Berghotel Tyrol Madonna di Senales
- Coffee Shop Adlernest Madonna di Senales
- Coffee Shop Dorfcafé Madonna di Senales
- Coffee Shop Edelweiß Vernago
- Coffee Shop Golden Rose Certosa
- Coffee Shop Grawand Bar Maso Corto
- Coffee Shop Grüner Certosa
- Coffee Shop Leithof Vernago
- Coffee Shop Piccolo Maso Corto
- Coffee Shop Remi Madonna di Senales
- Coffee Shop Schnals Certosa
- Coffee Shop Schnalsburg Monte Santa Caterina
- Family Aparthotel Heidi & Edith Rablà
- Family Hotel Adlernest Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holidays Außerkoflhof Maso Corto
- Farm Holidays Gfallhof Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holidays Gurschlhof Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holidays Innerforchhof Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holidays Moarhof Monte Santa Caterina
- Farm Holidays Montfert Monte Santa Caterina
- Farm Holidays Nassreidhof Val di Fosse
- Farm Holidays Oberauhof Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holidays Obergamphof Vernago
- Farm Holidays Oberniederhof Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holidays Oberperflhof Monte Santa Caterina
- Farm Holidays Oberversanthof Naturno
- Farm Holidays Pifrailerhof Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holidays Tumlhof Val di Fosse
- Farm Holidays Unterpretrachhof Vernago
- Farm Holidays Untervernatschhof Monte Santa Caterina
- Farm Holidays Wieshof Maso Corto
- Farm Holydays Außerbrugghof Monte S. Caterina
- Farm Holydays Außerforchhof Madonna di Senales
- Farm Holydays Marchegghof Maso Corto
- Farm Restaurant Finailhof Vernago
- Farm Restaurant Marchegghof Maso Corto
- Farm Restaurant Unterstellhof Monte Sole
- Group Blu Hotels Maso Corto
- Guest House Jägerrast Val di Fosse
- Guest House Katharinabergerhof Monte Santa Caterina
- Guest House Leithof Vernago
- Guest House Lydia Vernago
- Guest House Schnalsburg Monte Santa Caterina
- Holiday Flats Josephus Madonna di Senales
- Holiday Flats Palla Bianca Certosa
- Holiday Flats Remi Madonna di Senales
- Holiday Flats Rosi Monte S. Caterina
- Holiday Flats Schnals Certosa
- Holiday Flats Schnalsblick Monte Santa Caterina
- Holiday Flats Top Residence Kurz Maso Corto
- Holyday Flats Am Wegkreuz Monte Santa Caterina
- Hotel am Fels & Apartements am Wegkreuz (Monte S. Caterina)
- Hotel Berghotel Tyrol Madonna di Senales
- Hotel Edelweiß Vernago
- Hotel Gerstgras Maso Corto
- Hotel Glacier Hotel Grawand Maso Corto
- Hotel Golden Rose Certosa
- Hotel Mountain Lake Hotel Vernagt Vernago
- Hotel Oberraindlhof Madonna di Senales
- Hotel Piccolo Hotel Gurschler Maso Corto
- Hotel Rainhof Madonna di Senales
- Hotel Smarthotel Firn Madonna di Senales
- Hotel Tonzhaus
- Hotel Tyrol Naturno
- Hotel Wohlfühlhotel Mei Auszeit Plaus
- Mountain Hut Stettiner
- Mountain Refuge Bella Vista
- Mountain Refuge Similaun
- Natural Living Farm Holidays Valle Lunga
- Pizzeria Tonzhaus Madonna di Senales
- Pub Leo’s Pub Maso Corto
- Refreshments Mastaunhof Madonna di Senales
- Refreshments Tisenhof Vernago
- Refreshments Unterpifrail Certosa
- Restaurant Edelweiß Vernago
- Restaurant Grawand Maso Corto
- Restaurant Grüner Certosa
- Restaurant Jägerrast Val di Fosse
- Restaurant Neuratheis Monte Santa Caterina
- Restaurant Oberraindlhof Madonna di Senales
- Restaurant Piccolo Maso Corto
- Restaurant Rosa d’Oro Certosa
- Restaurant Serafina Madonna di Senales
- Restaurant Tonzhaus Madonna di Senales
- Ski Hut Bussl Maso Corto
- Ski Hut Ötzi-Biwak Maso Corto
- Ski Hut Pist’n Stodl Maso Corto
- Ski Hut Platzl Bar Maso Corto
- Ski Hut Teufelsegg Maso Corto
- Tavern Schlosswirt Juval
- Vereinshaus Katharinaberg
- Vereinshaus Unser Frau
- Verheinshaus Karthaus
Currently no media partners
Physical Plant and Grounds
These are the people with whom we deal in regard to the physical plant for the building, photography, videos, our website, the trees and bushes in the open-air exhibition areas, and the fish in the pond:
Lobby Groups
We are members of:
Others with whom archeoParc cooperates:
- 3D Bow parcours Moarhof
- Alpenverein Südtirol Alpine club – Senales
- Andreas Putzer
- Fjällräven
- ganeshGraphics (Lana)
- Genossenschaft. Werkstätten. Begleitung
- Geologengruppe Ostalb e.V. geological group
- Geoparc Bletterbach (Aldein und Radein)
- Helene Lageder (Bolzano)
- Hubert Steiner
- Institute for Mummies and the Iceman
- Konrad Laimer (Naturno)
- Kornkammer Vinschgau
- Kulturverein Schnals Association
- Maria Puff-Gius (Appiano)
- Michela Caracristi (Montan)
- Mountain Guide Association Passirio-Senales
- Norbert Sachsalber (Monte Santa Caterina)
- Origamo Projects Agency
- parrish of Madonna di Senales
- Philip Isenberg (Laion)
- Pro Vita Alpina
- Silke Shuttle (Monte Santa Caterina, Senales)
- Skirent Masocorto
- soccorso alpino dell’AVS Senales mountain rescue service
- Südtiroler Jugendring
- Verein für alpine Kulturpflanzen Association (Alvaneu, CH)
- Vinschger Bauernladen- farmers’ shop
- Winery & Distillery Unterortl – Castel Juval
Museums and Loaners
The arrangement and loan of exhibitions and objects, the organization of events, the exchange of knowledge and experience, and the formation of procurement groups are areas in which we are pleased to collaborate with colleagues from the museum sector. We are especially pleased that we have been able to cooperate again and again with so many of the institutions on the list since 2000.
- Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen (D)
- Archaeological centre Hitzacker (G)
- Archeodromo delle Madonie Scillato
- Archeoland Stallavena
- Archeolgical Service Graubünden (CH)
- Bachritterburg Kanzach (D)
- Ciutadella Iberica de Calafell (E)
- Convent Museum Müstair (CH)
- Department of Archeology Innsbruck (A)
- Federseemuseum Bad Buchau (G)
- Fränkische Schweiz-Museum Tüchersfeld (D)
- Gedächtnisspeicher Ötztal Längenfeld (A)
- Goldene Rose Silandro
- Jeongok Prehistory Museum Gyeonggi-do (Korea)
- Limesmuseum Aalen (D)
- Merano Arte
- Mobili Planer Appiano
- Museo del Castello La Spezia
- Museo delle palafitte del lago di Ledro
- Museum für Archäologie Frauenfeld (CH)
- Museum of Nature South Tyrol Bolzano
- Museum of People through Time Cortaccia
- Museum of St. Prokulus Naturno
- Musik Plaschke musical instrument manufacturing Lagundo
- Oberniederhof Farm Madonnna di Senales
- Parco Archeologico Diadattico del Livelet Revine Lago
- Private Alexander Alber Naturno
- Private Anne Reichert Ettlingen-Bruchhausen (D)
- Private Edith Exo Wischhafen (D)
- Private Ernst Hofer Marlengo
- Private Gianni Bodini Silandro
- Private Hansi Platzgummer Certosa
- Private Johanna Niederkofler Plaus
- Private Jörg Nadler Schleswig (D)
- Private Josef Rainer Bolzano
- Private Julia Gasser Capriana
- Private Pazeller Family Madonna di Senales
- Private Rainer Family Unser Frau
- Private Ulrike Claßen-Büttner (Wiehl, D)
- Raffeinhof farm Vernago
- South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology Bolzano
- South Tyrolean Folklore Museum Tendone (BZ)
- Ton in Ton Wischhafen (D)
- Typwritermuseum Parcines
- Ufficio Beni Archeologici Bolzano
- Ufficio Caccia e pesca Bolzano
- Val Venosta Valley Museum Sluderno
- Village Lacustre de Gletterens (CH)
- Villaggio neolitico di Travo
All museums and collections in South tyrol: www.museen-suedtirol.it/en
A visit to the archeoParc has long since ceased to be a secret tip, but it hopefully continues to be a good tip! The fact that this is the case is certainly not due to our modest marketing budget. Rather, we can thank the many, many enthusiastic visitors and the following institutions for passing on the word about us:
- Dorf Tirol Tourist Information Association
- Administration office/Ufficio amministrativo Strade della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
- Alpin Arena Senales
- Alto Adige Marketing
- Associazione turistica Association Tesimo-Prissiano
- Città di Torino – MuseiScuola
- European Database of Archeological Parks
- Meran Tourist Bureau
- Merano Marketing
- museummobil Card
- Oberniederhof Farm Madonnna di Senales
- Ötzi Rope-Park
- Paleofestival La Spezia
- Provinca Autonoma di Bolzano – department museum
- Ropeway Funivia Unterstell Naturno
- Südtirol Rad
- Terra Raetica
- Touring Club Italiano
- Tourism Coop. Naturno
- Tourism Coop. Schnalstal Valley
- Tourism Coop. Val d’Ultimo-Proves
- Tourist Association Castelbello- Ciardes
- Tourist Association Laces-Val Martello
- Tourist Association of Parcines, Rablà and Tel
- Tourist Association Passo Resia
- Tourist Association Prato allo Stelvio
- Tourist Association Scena
- Tourist Association Silandro-Lasa nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
- Tourist board office Lagundo
- Tourist Board office Marlengo
- Tourist information Ortles
- Tourist Office Avelengo-Verano-Merano 2000
- Tourist office Lana and surroundings
- Tourist office Nals
- Tourist office Passeier Valley
- Venosta Valley Marketing
Many committed heads and hands were involved in the archeoParc concept and its implementation:
- Bennert GmbH (Weimar)
- Benno Baumgarten (Museum of Nature South Tyrol)
- Department of forestal amministration Bolzano
- Erich Erlacher (Parcines)
- Federseemuseum Bad Buchau
- genebank of Nord Tyrol (Rinn near Innsbruck)
- Gianni Bodini (Silandro)
- Hans Luis Patzgummer (Senales)
- Hanspeter Staffler (Andrian)
- Helmut Pinggera (Interreg II)
- Herbert Niederfriniger (stazione forestale Naturno)
- Herbert Schönweger deSign (Meran)
- Hermann Miller 3D Media (Leutkirch, G)
- Hermann Tumler (Senales)
- Hugo Santer (Senales)
- James Dickson (University of Glaskow, Scotland)
- Josef Kaufmann (Naturpark Texelgruppe nature park)
- Kai Fischer (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
- Karl Laterner (Senales Valley)
- Klaus Oeggl (University of Innsbruck)
- Kulturverein Schnals Association
- Laimburg Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (Ora)
- LEADER Vinschgau Valley – division economy
- Linda Owen (Tübingen, G)
- Maran Film GmbH (Stuttgart)
- Martin Ruepp (Interreg II)
- Paul Gleirscher (Landesmuseum Kärnten, Klagenfurt)
- Peer Schilperoord (Verein für alpine Kulturpflanzen Association, Alvaneu, CH)
- Peter Hupfer (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
- Peter Klotz (ispettorato forestale Merano forest inspectorate)
- Petra Fliri (Naturns)
- Richard Spechtenhauser (municipality of Senales)
- Silvia Renhart (Interreg II)
- South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology Bolzano
- Thomas Wilhalm (Museum of Nature South Tyrol)
- Tirler Reinald (ispettorato forestale Merano forest inspectorate)
- Viktor Rossmann (Innsbruck, A)
- Wolfgang Hofbauer (University of Innsbruck)
Again and again, we are pleased to offer event formats in the area of nature interpretation and intercultural communication along with a variety of partners. Sometimes we set up an exhibition here in the Museum along with students and teachers.
- Association Goasverein Schnals
- farm Tisen (Vernago)
- Hunting Ground Val Senales
- Hut Mastaun (Senales)
- Nature Park Texelgruppe/ Gruppo di Tessa
- Office for Nature Parks of the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
- Pädagogisches Institut für die Deutsche Sprachgruppe Bolzano
- Paleofestival La Spezia
- Primary School of Certosa (Senales)
- Primary School of Madonna di Senales (Senales)
- Primary School of Monte Santa Caterina (Senales)
- PRimary School of Tesido
- Ufficio Beni Archeologici Bolzano
Replicas and Ancient Technology
Without the work of experimental archaeologists and archaeological technicians, our own work would be inconceivable. These are the people behind our practical knowledge and the replicas and reconstructions in our Museum:
- Anne Reichert Ettlingen-Bruchhausen (D)
- Archäo-Technik (Wulf Hein)
- Bettina Hiller (Tübingen, G)
- Christian Günther (Bad Buchau, G)
- Eckhard Czarnowski (Freiburg, G)
- Erika Berdelis (Frauenfeld, CH)
- European Textile Forum
- Hunting Ground Val Senales
- Kathrin Kania (Erlangen, G)
- Lara Comis
- Private Ulrike Claßen-Büttner (Wiehl, D)
- Rolf Barth (Sinntal, G)
- Uli Moritz (Merano)
- Wulf Hein (Walddorfhäslach, G)