This is where you will find what is going on at the archeoParc and when. Please note that some activities take place daily others only on single days. We reserve the right to make changes in the program without notice. For example, the archery range and the canoes stop will be closed in the event of inclement weather.

You want to participate on the daily acivities in group? Read here how to manage it: Useful information for groups.


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Daily | 11:00-16:00, every full hour
Making fire like Ötzi in the House Villanders-Plunacker
A museum educator shows how Ötzi made fire with the assistance of pyrite, flint, and tinder fungus.

no reservation required | house Villanders-Plunacker | course 1 | included in the admission fee | duration: approx. 20 min

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Daily | 12:30-16:30
Baking bread over the camp
Ötzi and his contemporaries ate small flatbreads. They were baked in a small domed oven made of clay.  A copy of such an over has been built at the archeoParc. We wind the dough around a stick and then bake the bread over the hot coals.

no reservation required | workshop area | course 2 | included in the admission fee | duration: approx. 20 min

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Daily | 12:30-16:30
Grinding Flour on the Copper Age Stone Mill
We humans have been cultivating grain in Europe for six thousand years. Ötzi himself ate barley at one of his last meals. We grind wheat kernels into flour on a Copper Age stone mill.

no reservation required | workshop area | course 2 | included in the admission fee | duration: approx. 10 min

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Daily | starts at 11:00, last start 16:00
Bow and Arrow on the Archery Range
On the archery range we try to shoot with a wooden longbow similar to the one found with Ötzi. After a short introduction by our museum educators we draw the bow and aim on the targets and animals in 3D.

no reservation required | archery area | course 3 | included in the admission fee | duration: approx. 30 min

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Daily | starts at 11:30, last start 15:30
Paddling a Dug out at the Canoe Stop
A dug out is a wooden canoe made from a singel tree trunk. People used dugouts already 9.000 years ago. Accompanied by a member of the museumstaff you can try to paddle on the watercourse through the open-air area.

no reservation required | canoe stop | course 3| included in the admission fee | duration: approx. 10 min